Young Mathematicians Impress in Local QAMT Competition

If you’re quick with numbers, can recall complex theories in an instant, and dream mathematics, then join the team!

On Monday August 6 a group of nine enthusiastic Years Seven and Eight mathematics students headed to Ipswich Girls Grammar School to represent Westside in the annual QAMT mathematics quiz competition.

The competition is sponsored by the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers and the departments of mathematics and physics at the University of Queensland.

Westside made up a staggering 20% of the region’s entries with all our teams performing admirably. One of our teams placed as high as third against some of the regions most prestigious schools.

Students were presented with challenges in practical estimation, speed maths, problem solving and mathematical knowledge. In one particularly difficult task, Westside competitors correctly resolved the Compare’s challenge: to estimate how many cans would fit into a bucket. 

I enjoyed my experience at the competition. Like Mr Maddox always says, it’s all about the process.

Although they did not walk away with first prize, the students learnt much about estimation, speed maths, problem solving and mathematical knowledge. Greater allied skills were developed as students practiced for several weeks in the lead up to the event.

Westside students competing well into the night at the recent QAMT event.

Mr Andrew Maddox, team coach, reflects “It was a great privilege for Andrew Willey and I to coach and manage the quiz teams this year, practice started back in term 2, with regular lunchtime practices once to twice a week.”

His colleague, Mr Willey, nods in agreement, “we hope that all the students involved have a new enthusiasm for mathematics and that they will continue  to challenge themselves in the area of mathematics long into the future.

Byron Villacorta, an eager Year Eight student said of the day, “It is my first year at Westside and I am very happy I was chosen to represent the college at the QAMT maths competition.”  Emma Newell, also in Year Eight, noted “I enjoyed my experience at the competition. Like Mr Maddox always says, it’s all about the process.


Westside Christian College wishes to congratulate our Years 7 and 8 QAMT Competition Participants.

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